يزور العملاء الباكستانيون مصنع آلة معالجة الخشب Shuliy
Recently, Pakistani customers came to visit the wood processing machine factory of Shuliy Machinery. Customers are mainly engaged in wood processing and sales, the focus of this visit is to understand the production strength of wood processing equipment and equipment performance.

Focusing on wood peeling machine
During the visit, the customer showed great interest in our آلة تقشير الخشب. Oursales introduced the structure, working principle and treatment effect of the equipment in detail, and demonstrated the operation process of wood log debarking on site. The customer highly evaluated the high efficiency of the equipment and the good debarking effect.
Results of this wood processing machine visit
Through this field visit, Pakistani customers fully understood the quality and performance of Shuliy wood processing equipment, and recognized our manufacturing capacity and after-sales service system. Customers said that this visit is very fruitful, and will actively promote cooperation with Shuliy Machinery and purchase the equipment suitable for their تجهيز الأخشاب projects.